

Conversation | Tense

In this article, we will make conversation on Tense.
Continue Future Tense
will be + v4(v1+ing) 

Ekta : Hey, Priya. 

Priya: Hello, Ekta, will you come Saputara? 

Ekta: yes, I heard, tomorrow at this time. we will be going to Saputara. 

Priya: whom will you be meeting Tomorrow? 

Ekta: I will be meeting my friend at saputara.

Priya: with whom will you be going to saputara? 

Ekta: I will be going with my friend and yes will you be coming or not? 
Priya: no, I will not be coming but when will you be climbing hill of saputara? 

Ekta: I can not say exact but about 10 p.m.

Priya: for whom will you be taking toys? 

Ekta: obviously, for me as I am like child. 

Priya: yes, that's right, you are still a child. So..
How much milk will you be drinking and how many pani-puri will you be eating? 

Ekta: I will be drinking 5 liter milk and 100 pani-puri at least. 

Priya: ohh, may god save you tomorrow!! 

Ekta: no thanks but which movie will you be seeing at that time and whose biscuits will you be stealing? 

Priya: you better shut up of mouth otherwise I will kill you. God's swear. 

Ekta: okay, I am going, enjoy biscuits… ha ha ha… 
Perfect Present Tense
Ram : Hey, Riya
Have you seen my notebook?

Riya : No I haven't Seen but Have you asked to mom ? she may Know.

Ram: yes, i have asked her but she doesn't Know.

Riya: where have you put it last ?

Ram: I had put in my bag last time

Riya: ok, then, have you found it in bag?

Ram: yes, but Its not there.

Riya: when did you use it last?

Ram: I used it yesterday.

Riya: which book have you taken from shop?

Ram: I have taken Science book.

Riya: have you ever met Nikunj Sir?

Ram: I haven't met at him yet. 

Riya: whose shirt have you worn today?

Ram: it is my shirt. Why? 

Riya: it's beautiful.have you ever flown a kite?

Ram: yes Many time. Once my Kite stuck with beehive and honey bee Stung me. I still remember that day.

Riya: oh, Then how did you cure it?

Ram: it was normal, So I recovered myself but Has honeybee ever stung you?

Riya: No I'm lucky, it has not stung me yet.

Ram: then you are really lucky. Okay, bye..

Riya: bye, see you soon. 

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