

Conversation | Mix Topics

In this article, we will make conversation on Preposition.

 Conversation | Preposition
Hari : Hey Hima, Good morning

Hima : Good morning, Hari.

Hari: Hey have you seen my book?

Hima: yes, It is on the table.

Hari: on which table?

Hima: Look there, There is a table in front of bench.

Hari: oh, It was in front of my eyes but i couldn't see it.

Hina: It happens Sometime but can you tell me? What is there?

Hasi: where?

Hima: Look, over there, between two bench.

Hari : oh, that, that is Eraser.

Hima: Eraser? Actually it is so dark over there that i could not recognize it.

Hari: yes, you are right, it is too dark to see over there.

Hina: Hey, Have you seen my phone?

Hari: yes, it is in your bag and your bag is under the bench.

Hina: Thanks, Hey, look, can you see that boy?

Hari: yaa, are you talking about that boy who is Standing among all girls ?

Hina: yaa that is Same whom you have to give money.

Hari: what? money? I don't have money. 

Hina: I know, take money which is  below that book.

Hari: okay but do you know that boy?

Hina: yup, I know everything about Him.

Hari: How do you know him?

Hina: He is my close friend.

Hari: oh, I see, but look, Something is above his head. it may fall down.

Hima: oh, yes, I think that is garbage.

Hari: Hey, Hina, do you know who will sit before me in exam.

Hima: I don't know that but Ram will sit after you in exam.

Hari: oh,He is a Clever boy so I can take help from him.

Hina: as you wish,but I will come after 5 minutes of exam time.
Hari: and I will come before 5 min because I have to find some way to pass 

Hina: ok, but Ram Speaks always opposite to you. Will He help You?

Hari: yaa, you are right. He may not help me but according to me we Should hope good. Right?

Hari: yaa, Right. but try to pass this exam anyhow otherwise your Father may take Strict action.

Hari: Don't worry, In spite of having Rude nature, He is soft from heart.

Hima: I know that but keep one thing in your mind. Though/Although he is 
Soft from heart, he will not Spare you. 
if you Fail, He will Surly take action.

Hari: you are right, I will take help from Either Ram or some other.

Hina: Neither Ram nor Some other Ram will help you. you should help 

Hari: okay I will Start reading.

Hina: good, okay bye.

Hari: Bye. 

 Conversation | Afraid of

Smit: Hey, Nil, How are you?

Nil: Hello, Smit, I am fine. and you?

Smit: I am also fine.

Smit: Nil, tell me, are you afraid of our Medam?

Nil: No,I am not afraid of our medam and you?

Smit: Yes, I am afraid of our medam.

Nil: But why? Our medam has sweet and good nature.

Smit: Yes, I know but I forgot my spoken book at home so she will scold me.

Nil: Oh, that is very serious matter.

Nil: What will you do now?

Smit: Nothing, I will try to explain medam but I am also afraid of Sir.

Nil: Why are you afraid of sir?

Smit: Because medam will complain sir and sir will scold me.

Nil: Oh, feeling bad for you, but you know, today I am not afraid of anyone.

Smit: Why are you not afraid of anyone?

Nil: Because I have completed my homework.

Smit: Oh, but tell me are you afraid of your father or not?

No, why?

Smit: Because yesterday, your father caught you with a girl. 
do you remember?

Nil: No, I don't remember, you are very big liar. 
Don't speak lie ok? otherwise I will hit you.

Smit: No, I am not speaking lie and I am not afraid of you, Did you understand?
I think you need to take almond.

Nil: Why?

Smit: Because you forget everything so you need almond to remember, understood.

Nil: You better shut up, otherwise I will wash you without soap and water.

Smit: Hey, Mister, I am not afraid of you, understood so never try to threaten me.

Nil: Ok, I don't want to talk with you, go to your home and don't disturb me.

Smit: I also don't want to talk with you so I am going, bye.

Nil: Bye.

Conversation | Fond of

Nil: Hey, Smit how are you?

Smit: I am fine, thanks and you?

Nil: I am also fine.

Smit: Ok, Nil, tell me are you fond of speaking English?

Nil: Yes, I am fond of speaking English and you?

Smit: I am not fond of speaking English.

Nil: Why are you not fond of speaking English?

Smit: Because English is very difficult and I don't like it.

Nil: Oh, I see.

Smit: Ok, Nil tell me, are you fond of tasting new food item?

Nil: Yes, I am fond of tasting new new food item. and you?

Smit: No, I am not fond of fast food.

Nil: Why?

Smit: Actually, earlier I was fond of fast food but now I have digestion problem so..

Nil: Oh, okay, then are you fond new clothes?

Smit: Yes I am fond of buying and wearing new new clothes and you?

Nil: I am also fond of new new clothes?

Nil: Tell me Smit, are you fond of cooking?

Smit: No, I am not fond of cooking and you?

Nil: I am also not fond of cooking.

Nil: Tell me, Smit, are you fond of dancing?

Smit: Yes, I am fond of dancing and you.

Nil: No, I am not fond of dancing?

Smit: Who is your favorite dancer?

Nil: My favorite dancer is Tiger Shroff.

Smit: Ok, tell me Nil, are you fond of singing?

Nil: No, I am not fond of singing? and you?

Smit: I am fond of singing.

Nil: Who is your favorite singer?

Smit: My favorite singer is Arunita Kanjilal.

Nil: Oh, I see. tell me Smit, are you fond of sports?

Smit: Yes, I am fond of sports and you?

Nil: Earlier I was not fond of sports but now I am fond of sports.

Nil: which is your favorite game?

Smit: My favorite game is cricket.

Nil: And your?

Smit: My favorite game is badminton.

Nil: Ok, Smit tell me, are you fond of playing Garba?

Smit: Yes, I am fond of playing Garba and you?

Nil: I am also fond of playing Garba.

Smit: Ok, now I want to go, bye.

Nil: Bye.

Conversation | Faithful to


Smit: Hey, Nil, how are you?

Nil: I am fine, thanks and you?

Smit: I am also fine.

Nil: Smit, are you faithful to your parents?

Smit: Yes, I am faithful to my parents and you?

Nil: Yes, I am also faithful to my parents.

Smit: Nil, are you faithful to yourself?

Nil: I think, sometimes I am not faithful to myself. and you?

Smit: I am not like you, I am always faithful to myself.

Smit: Nil, tell me, are you faithful to your friends?

Nil: Yes, sometimes I am faithful to my friends and sometimes not. and you?

Smit: I am always faithful to my friends.

Nil: Are your friends faithful to you?

Smit: Yes, My friends are also faithful to me.

Nil: Is your sister faithful to you?

Smit: No, My sister is not faithful to me.

Nil: why?

Smit: Because she keeps everything secret from me.

Nil: Oh, very bad.

Smit: Is your teacher faithful to you?

Nil: Yes, my teacher is faithful to me and what about your teacher?

Smit: Yes, my teacher is also faithful to me. tell me Nil, Are your neighbors faithful to your family?

Nil: Yes, My neighbors are faithful to my family and what about your neighbors?

Smit: Yes my neighbors are also faithful to my family.

Nil: Smit, Is your father faithful to his boss?

Smit: Yes, My father is faithful to his boss. what about your father?

Nil: My father is also faithful to his boss.

Smit: Ok, now I want to go.

Nil: Ok, bye, nice to meet you.

Use Of Can for Advantages and Disadvantages

Nil: Hey, Smit How are you?

Smit: Hello, Nil, I am fine, thanks and you?

Nil: I am also fine.

Smit: Nil, Tell me advantages of your city.

Nil: Yes sure, but one condition.

Smit: What?

Nil: If you tell me advantages of your village then and then..

Smit: okay, I will tell you advantages.

Nil: My city has Train facility so my citizen can travel at cheap cost. now Smit you tell me one advantage of your village.

Smit: There is pure air in village so villagers can breathe pure air and so villagers have less disease.

Nil: Ok, Smit, Do you know, There is airport facility in my city so my citizen can travel fast by airplane.

Smit: That is really good, but Nil do you know, pure milk is available in village, so we can drink pure milk.

Nil: But pure milk is also available in my city.

Smit: No, no, it is not pure milk, it is 50% milk and 50% water.

Nil: Listen Smit, I don't want to argue with you. ok? So tell me your next advantage.

Smit: why? you tell me about your city.

Nil: Electricity is available 24 hours in my city so I can live comfortably. Can you live comfortably in your village?

Smit: Yes, Of course, I can live comfortably why not?

Nil: Because There is no electricity in village so you can't enjoy cooling of A.C and fan. you can't see properly at night.

Smit: Hey, Mister, Don't argue with me. ok? you don't know that we grow vegetables and all things so you city people can eat. Did you understand?

Nil: Don't be over smart. There are mills and factories in city so you can wear clothes. Did you understand?

Smit: If it is so, then do you know? we supply all kind of raw material so you can make products from it. Tell me, is it possible to make clothes without cotton in your city? Is it possible to make sugar without sugarcane in your city? If it is possible then show me that place and I will give you 500 Rs.

Nil: Why? I am not greedy, I don't want to show you anything. Did you understand?

Smit: What happened? you said that your city is smart, now give me proof.

Nil: Ok, tell me, My city has many gardens, does your village have?

Smit: You are trying to change topic but let me tell you, villages don't need garden because we have farm bigger than your garden.

Nil: Tell me, can you swing and slide in farm?

Smit: Are you from moon? Don't you know, we can arrange anything in farm. 

Nil: Ok, tell me, do you have bank in your village?

Smit: I don't need bank because I know how to pay online.

Nil: You know online payment but what about other villagers? Do they know?

Smit: You don't worry, I will teach them.

Nil: There is no internet in village so you can't use watsapp, facebook.
you can't contact with your relatives. you can't get news updates. you can't know about new new technology. you can't pay bills online. I have internet facility in my city so I can do everything.

Smit: From which planet are you, Mister? I can also do everything because nowadays Internet facility is available everywhere.

Nil: But not fast internet, right?

Smit: No,no very fast internet.

Nil: You are very big liar, ok, tell me, we have 24 hours water availability in city, Do you have?

Smit: Yes.

Nil: Now, it is confirmed that you are very big liar.

Smit: There is no pollution in village So we don't fall sick like citizens.

Nil: But if you fall sick then do you have any kind of hospital facility in your village? tell me fast. Do you know, we have many hospitals in city so we can get emergency service.

Smit: Don't worry Mister, we can call 108 in case of emergency.

Nil: You know, There are good quality of roads in city so citizen can travel fast but there are not good quality of roads in village so villagers can not travel fast. Am I right or wrong?

Smit: Quality of roads in village is also good.

Nil: Ok tell me, There are many schools and universities in city so citizen can get good education. can you get
good education easily?

Smit: Yes, we can also get good education because we are smart.

Nil: There is good education in city so citizen can get good job easily. Can you get job easily?

Smit: Yes, we can also get job easily because we are smart people.

Nil: I don't want to argue with you. you go to your home.

Smit: I also don't want to talk with you, I am going, bye.

Conversation | Ashamed of

Nil: Hey, Smit, How are you?

Smit:: I am fine and you?

Nil: I am fantastic.

Smit:: Tell me Nil, Are you ashamed of your girlfriend?

Nil: Yes, I am ashamed of my girlfriend.

Smit:: Why are you ashamed of your girlfriend?

Nil: Because I have shy nature.

Smit: Oh, I see.

Nil: Smit, I heard that you are ashmed of people, Is it right?

Smit: Who said you?

Nil: When I came your house, your mother had said.

Smit: Yes, I am ashamed of people because I am very shy person.

Nil: If you are ashamed of people then what do you do when you go to marriage?

Smit: I avoid to attend all social fuction.

Nil: If you have to go compulsory then..

Smit: Then I don't meet people and hide myself from people.

Nil: Oh, that is very weird. you should meet people.

Smit: Why?

Nil: Because If we meet people and talk with them, then and then we can create strong bond of relations.

Smit: I don't want to create strong bond of relation.

Nil: Why?

Smit: I don't like to talk with people.

Nil: As you wish. tell me Smit, Are you also ashamed of your parents?

Smit: Only when I do Mistakes. When I do something wrong I hide my face from my parents.

Nil: Same to you but I am not like you, I am not ashamed of people.

Smit: ok, ok Don't tell me again and again.

Nil: I am telling you for your good. but If you don't like then I will never tell you again.

Smit: That is better for you, I want to go now. Bye.

Nil: Bye.

Conversation | Interested In
Nil: Are you interested in Speaking English?

Smit: No, I am not interested in speaking English? and you?

Nil: Yes,I am interested in speaking English but Why are you not interested in speaking English?

Smit: Because I don't know how to speak English and I also don't know grammar.

Nil: Oh, that is very bad. You should learn grammar. What do you think?

Smit: Yes, I know and I want to learn English so please tell me, How did you learn English?

Nil: I learned myself.

Smit: Really? Will you teach me please?

Nil: Yes, sure.

Smit: What is fee?

Nil: Don't speak any more word otherwise I will hit you.

Smit: Why?

Nil: Because you are my friend and I don't take fee of my friends.

Smit: Thank you, tell me Nil, are you interested in playing PUBG?

Nil: yes, and you?

Smit: Yes, I am also interested in playing PUBG.

Nil: Smit, are you interested in playing Garba?

Yes, I am interested in playing garba. Tell me, Nil, are you interested in studying Engineering?

Nil: No, I am not interested in studying Engineering.

Smit: Why?

Nil: because Engineering is boring and I don't like Maths. and Smit are you interested in talking ladies?

Smit: Yes, I am interested in talking with ladies because Ladies have interesting topics.

Nil: Not interesting topics, It is called panchayat. Did you understand?

Smit: Yes, I know, tell me Nil, Are you interesting in watching cricket?

Nil: yes, of course, I am interested in watching cricket and you?

Smit: No, tell me, Who is your favourite cricket?

Nil: Virat Kohli is my favourite cricket.tell me Smit, are you interested in traveling?

Smit: Yes, I am interested in traveling and you?

Yes, I am also interested in traveling.

Smit: Which place have you traveled so far?

Nil: I have traveled many places like Saputara, Goa and Kashmir and you?

Smit: I have traveled Abu and Mumbai.

Nil: Ok, Smit, tell me, Are you interested in reading news daily?

Smit: No, I am not interested in reading news and you?

Nil: I am interested in reading news but why are you not interested in reading news?

Smit: Because news spreads negativity so I don't like to read news.

Nil: Yes, that is right but we can know about new new technology by reading news.

Smit: Ok, Are you interested in singing song?

Nil: Yes, I am interested in singing song and you?

Smit: No, I am not interested in singing song but can you please sing a song for me?

Nil: Sure, tell me, Which song?

Smit: please sing Sanam re...

Nil: (Nil is singing...)

Smit: Your voice is melodious. I think, you should be a singer.

Nil: Thanks but My voice is not suitable for singing. Ok tell me Smit, Are you interested in dancing?

Smit: Yes, I am interested in dancing very much and you?

Nil: I am not interested in dancing.

Smit: Nil, Are you interested in writting letter?

Nil: Yes, I am interested in writting letter and you?

Smit: No, I am not interested in writting letter.

Nil: Smit, Are you interested in riding horse?

Smit: Yes, I am interested in riding horse.we have 2 horse in our village house.

Nil: That is good, I am also interested in riding horse.

Smit: Nil, Are you interested in cooking?

Nil: Yes, I am interested in cooking and you?

Smit: No, I am not interested in cooking. ok, Smit, It is 12 o'clock, so I want to go home now.

Nil: Ok, let's go.