

Conversation | Modal Auxiliary

In this article, we will make conversation by using different Modal Auxiliaries.

Before learning to make conversation please refer Modal Auxiliary

Conversation | like to

Ekta: Hey, Priya.

Priya: Hello, Ekta

Ekta: What do you like Priya? 
And Where do you like to go?

Priya: I like chocolate too much and I like to go to Mumbai and when do you like to get up?

Ekta: I like to get up at 11 o'clock in the morning.

Whom do you like to meet?

Priya: I like to meet my friend and 
with whom do you like to dance?

Ekta: I never like to dance alone but always like to dance with some person. Do you like to sing?

Priya: yes,I like to sing for one person.

Ekta: for whom? Who is that person?

Priya: I don't like to share my personal information. And which historical place do you like to visit?

Ekta: I don't like to visit any historical place.

Whose clothes do you like to wear and how much money do you like to spend behind clothes👗👚👖?

Priya: I like to wear Krishna’s clothes and 100,000 rupee, I like to spend behind clothes.

Ekta: okay, nice to meet you, bye. 

Conversation | Must


Ekta: Hey!, Priya.

Priya: Hello, Ekta, do you know, what must you do?

Ekta: what?

Priya: you must take care of yourself and do you know?  Where must you go?

Ekta: yes, I know, I must go to college and Priya, do you know? With whom must you talk?

Priya: yes, with my parents and do you know?
which place must you visit?

Ekta: yes, historical place because I love it, but do you know? Whose money must you not steal?

Priya: yes, I know of beggars. And whom must you not meet?

Ekta: I don't know whom?

Priya: to Ravi. He is a cheater and do you know, 

how many almond must you take for remembering this?

Ekta: yes, you said it before, 10 almond per bowl and do you know for whom must you study?

Priya: for my parents, right? At last Do you know ?
what must you remember?


Priya: that you are my best friend, and I will always with you no matter what may come.

Conversation | Dare to

Ekta: Hey! Priya.

Priya: Hello, Ekta,

do you dare to talk with your father about your boyfriend?

Ekta: no, I don't dare to talk. And tell me you love your brother, right? So how many times do you dare to fight with your brother?

Priya: I dare to fight many times but not a single time I dare to stay without talking to him And tell me, Ekta which horror movie do you dare to see?

Ekta: I dare to watch horror movie of South.

Priya:whose clothes do you dare to spoil with color?

Ekta: I dare to spoil my brother’s as he is small and Which place don't you dare to visit?

Priya: I don't dare to visit Goa because I don't like. With whom do you dare to share secrets?

Ekta: I dare to share my secret with my best friend and that is you. For whom do you dare to fight?

Priya: I dare to fight for my family, my country and many others and why do you dare to learn English?

Ekta: I dare to learn English because I like, I love English more than any other. 

Conversation | Want to

Ekta: Hey, Priya.

Priya: Hello, Ekta, your birthday is coming soon. 
Do you want to celebrate it?

Ekta: yes, I want to celebrate but do you want to give me surprise?

Priya: yes, I want to and what do you want to wear and from where do you want to buy?

Ekta: I want to wear dungaree and I want to buy it from pantaloons,

when do you want to go for shopping? Please call me.

Priya: today, do you want to come?

Ekta: yes, with whom and how do you want to go?

Priya: I want to go with friends and by bike. Which color clothes do you want to wear?

Ekta: I want to wear black color clothes and How many chocolate do you want to eat? And how much ice- cream do you want to eat? Tell me.

Priya: whatever you give but whose clothes do you want to wear? I will bring it.

Ekta: sorry, but for whom do you want to bring clothes? For me?  I have clothes. No thanks.

Priya: I know, I was just kidding but tell me what do you want to? No matter how much does it cost, I will bring it for you.

Ekta: it's my pleasure to have you as my friend. I don't want anything.

Conversation | Can


Ekta: Hey, Priya. 

Priya: Hello, Ekta.

Ekta: can you wait for some time? I want to talk with you.

Priya: yes, you can say what do you want to say?

Ekta: can you listen this song?

Priya: sorry, I can't. It is low voice so I can't listen but how can you listen it?

Ekta: I can listen because my ears are good. 
Okay can you sing this song?

Priya: actually, I could sing when I was in college.

Ekta: why can't you sing now? I know..

You can not sing without him, right?

Priya: no, it's not matter. Okay, you tell me, how long can you walk?

Ekta: I can walk Max. 5 hour and how much milk can you drink at once? 

Priya: as I like milk too much so I can drink 5 liter at once and how many chocolate can you eat Maximum?

Ekta: I am too hungry of chocolate so I can eat 500 maximum.

Priya: whose purse can you steal, if you are thief?

Ekta: your purse in can steal as you are careless.

Priya: then I have to take care of my purse.

Ekta: yes, okay, bye.

Priya: bye.

Conversation | Should 

Ekta: hey, priya

Priya: hello, Ekta

Ekta: Priya, should I remind you? 

Priya: about what? 

 What should I remind you? 

Ekta: about project work, that you should complete on time and give me detail. 

Priya: okay, I am sorry. But you should not get angry on me. 

Ekta: I will take care of it. Next time, 

 but where and when should we go for buying parts. 

Priya: at chowk bazaar, and today we should go as it is reasonable  price over there but with whom and how should we go? 

Ekta:we should go by bike and with group members but how many parts should we buy?

Priya: we should buy enough parts require for project. 

 Whom should we meet over there? 

Ekta: we should meet to sir. And whose bike should we use? 

Priya: obviously, your bike because I have no petrol. But how much petrol should we fill? 

Ekta: we should fill 10 liter petrol. 

Priya: ok, now we should go. 

Conversation | Need to

Ekta: hey, Priya. 

Priya: hello, Ekta. You need to remember the things. 

Ekta: why do I need to remember? What happen? 

Priya: because you always forget my words. Do you know?

Where do you need to go?

Ekta: I don't know. Where?

Priya: I think you need to consult a doctor and you need medicine to recover your memory.

Ekta: my memory is perfect. You don't worry. Yaa, I know some time I forget but that's ok.

Priya: then you need to take almond regularly.

Ekta: okay, but which almond do I need to take?

Priya: you need to take American almond and also milk made from almond.

Ekta: how much milk and how many almond do I need to take on regular basis?

Priya: you need to take 10 almond for one bowl of milk.

Ekta: thanks, but where do I need to go for buying such almond and when?

Priya: you need to go at suratsuper store and it is open from 9 to 9 so you can go anytime.

Ekta: whose almond do I need to buy? I mean, 
whose almond is best?

Priya: that I don't know but I think all almond are same. 




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