

Should | Speaking Practice

In this article, we will learn about how to use Should in sentence.  


Should: चाहिए - કરવું જોઈએ

સલાહ આપવા, સુચન આપવા, Should વપરાય  છે.


P – S + should + V1 + O  

N - S +should+ not + V1 + O

Q - Should + S + V1 + O +?

Wh - Wh +should+ S + V1 + O +? 

1. To give advice: सलाह देना - (સલાહ આપવા)

S + Should + V1 + O

S + Should + not + V1 + O 


1. We should learn English.

हमें अंग्रेजी सीखनी चाहिए।

આપણે English શીખવું જોઈએ. 

2. We should not spit anywhere.

हमें कहीं नहीं थूकना चाहिए।

આપણે ક્યાંય પણ થૂંકવું ન જોઈએ. 



2. To take advice: सलाह लेना - (સલાહ માંગવા)

Should + S + V1 + O+?


1. Should I buy this mobile?

क्या मुझे यह मोबाइल खरीदना चाहिए?

(શું)મારે આ મોબાઈલ ખરીદવો જોઈએ?

Topics for should:


1. Give your suggestion to save Environment in 200 sentence.


Points to be considered:

- Air pollution, Water Pollution, Land pollution, Noise pollution, Light pollution, Thermal pollution


- We should save water.

- We should not waste water.  

- We should not discharge chemical into water.

- We should not wash clothes in river.

- We should __, ___, ___ 

- We should not __, ___, ___

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